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Author Topic: Wrong steering module for paddles?  (Read 1015 times)

Offline flabbymallow

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Wrong steering module for paddles?
« on: December 25, 2024, 01:13:05 am »
Hi everyone,

I bought myself an mk5 r32 steering wheel with paddles and no MFSW to fit to my mk5 gti which has neither paddles or MFSW at the moment.

Throuhg my research I came to the conclusion that I did not need to replace the steering module as it seemed that as long as you had a dsg installed it was possible to recode the module to accept the paddles. After installing the wheel today neither the horn nor the paddles work which leads me to believe I may have the wrong steering module for the retrofit to work.

If I try and recode the steering wheel coding to the paddle shifter tiptronic setting it says "Coding rejected. Error 31: out of range".
The steering module I have installed currently is 1K0 953 549 F which seems to be a lowline module which I didn't think mattered for the paddles but it appears it does.

Is there a simple fix to this or is the solution a replacement module. If so can anyone point me to a module that will work for this job?

Many thanks.